What's new in Incomaker? Your satisfaction always comes first, which is why we've worked on additional enhancements to make it easier for you to work with our platform. Let's go through them one by one.
Create texts using artificial intelligence
You can already try out our new feature that will make working with content in the text editor easier and save you a lot of time. But this is just a taste of how our own AI can work in Incomaker. We're working on extending this feature, and you can look forward to much more in the future.
Send follow-up emails quickly and easily
Are you sending follow-up mailings? Now it will be easier for you to send out emails to those who haven't opened your newsletter yet. You can send a specific campaign's follow-up newsletter by simply clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the completed campaign.
Targeting campaigns by visited URL
We continue to improve the targeting of your campaigns. You can now select campaign recipients based on time duration on your site or frequency of the visited site.