Posted on 1 April 2022


Incomaker works well with a wide variety of e-commerce platforms. It gets data from the e-shops, analyzes them, automates marketing campaigns, targets end-customers with specific offers, etc., to bring more sales to their owners.

In this series, we present you some of the platforms (both global and local ones) that you can build your e-shop upon that work with Incomaker well.

Posted on 11 March 2022

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Many people think that marketing is just a set of sales techniques and their implementation, but in reality, marketing is much more than that.

Posted on 9 March 2022

'Promotions' is not spam. It is mail that is properly and completely delivered to the recipient's inbox.

It's worth pointing out that 'Promotions' is not spam. It is mail that is properly and completely delivered to the recipient's inbox. It is marked as such by Gmail or other services and displayed.In other words, preventing this is problematic and, to some extent, undesirable. Before addressing this point, it should be made clear that just because mail is marked as Promotion does not mean it will not reach recipients.

Posted on 9 March 2022


Incomaker works well with a wide variety of e-commerce platforms. It gets data from the e-shops, analyzes them, automates marketing campaigns, targets end-customers with specific offers, etc., to bring more sales to their owners.

In this series, we present you some of the platforms (both global and local ones) that you can build your e-shop upon that work with Incomaker well.

Posted on 9 February 2022

Incomaker works well with a wide variety of e-commerce platforms. It gets data from the e-shops, analyzes them, automates marketing campaigns, targets end-customers with specific offers, etc., to bring more sales to their owners.
In this series, we present you some of the platforms (both global and local ones) that you can build your e-shop upon that work with Incomaker well. 

Posted on 9 February 2022

Incomaker works well with a wide variety of e-commerce platforms. It gets data from the e-shops, analyzes them, automates marketing campaigns, targets end-customers with specific offers, etc., to bring more sales to their owners.
In this series, we present you some of the platforms (both global and local ones) that you can build your e-shop upon that work with Incomaker well. 

Posted on 1 February 2022

Email deliverability is a crucial issue of retention/email marketing. If you don't get the email delivered, it can hardly bring you conversions. Deliverability is a complex problem consisting of multiple issues. Among others, it is necessary to keep your servers from spam blacklists.
Spam blacklists are public services storing data about servers participating in sending spam. They warn other servers from accepting messages from spammers. Being on the blacklist could harm your deliverability and cost you money.