Posted on 8 October 2019

Google on pop-ups

Web pop-ups are among the most powerful instruments for acquiring new customers. They have proven efficiency to turn random visitors into subscribers and customers. Our customers are sometimes afraid of using them due to the belief that Google would penalize their website.

It is not true. It is based on a misinterpretation of Google article on web pop-ups. In fact, Google does not penalize web pop-ups on desktops. In terms of mobile, Google penalizes intrusive “interstitials”:

Posted on 17 September 2019

Facebook text in images
Facebook prefers having text in the post itself and no or little letters in images, and it could have an impact on the reach.

Posted on 11 September 2019

Web pop-ups
Pop-ups could grab contacts (e.g., emails) from 5-20% of visitors, in some case even more

Posted on 5 September 2019

Don't be a serf of your service provider
Whenever possible, we use open source solutions for total control over both data and the system. If this is not an option, we insist on either direct access to primary data or the ability to export them.

Posted on 27 August 2019

Marketing communication
Relevancy is much more important than frequency. If you copy-paste something once monthly just to fill up your Facebook, rather save your time. On the other hand, we have customers who produce relevant personalized content several times a day, and their audience grows.

Posted on 22 August 2019

PR is a broad category, but what I mean is that someone (news, magazine, big blog...) publishes something about your company, which you don’t pay for. Something positive if possible. Usually, it has an immediate effect on your web traffic, and hence on your sales.

Posted on 15 August 2019

The email subject is extremely important. As an average open rate of marketing emails can fluctuate around 20%, the subject is often the only part of the email that is ever read. That’s why you should care about. First, always be specific. Try to express in one short sentence (or better in 4-6 words) the message in the email. Don’t send anything like: “Newsletter 23/2019”. “Free shipping on everything in June!” sounds much better. It could be arduous, but automation could do it for you.